Category: neural network

AI recreates the painting techniques of famous artists

[ad_1] You can’t go back in time to see how Monet or Van Gogh made their masterpieces, but AI might give you the next best thing. MIT CSAIL researchers have created a machine learning system, Timecraft, that can deduce how a painting was produced and recreate the likely brushstrokes, even for famous artists. The design […]

You can help train NASA’s supercomputer to identify coral reefs

[ad_1] Coral reefs are shrinking. That’s bad news for wildlife. Millions of species call coral reefs their homes, and coral itself is a cluster of tiny aquatic animals. And it’s bad news for humans, too — scientists’ analyses of organisms in and around coral have contributed to breakthroughs in a variety of medical treatments. NASA […]

AI-powered Lego sorter knows the shape of every brick

[ad_1] The universal Lego sorter — which is made up of 10,000 Lego bricks — took two years to design, build and perfect. Six Lego motors and nine servo motors power the conveyor belts and agitators that transport the pieces, brick-by-brick, to a video camera. A Raspberry Pi then processes the video feed and streams […]

MIT researchers use shadows to create a video of what happens off camera

[ad_1] In their experiment, the team filmed a pile of clutter. Off screen, someone created shadows by moving blocks and other objects. Their algorithm predicted the light transport, or the way light is expected to move in a scene, and compared that to the shadows. It then used that info to reconstruct the off-screen video. […]

AI determines how much help Shakespeare had writing a play

[ad_1] True to longstanding theories, the AI determined that Fletcher wrote just under half of the play. However, it’s where he took over that might be surprising. If this is accurate, Fletcher didn’t just take over at the start of a new scene — he also pitched in near the ends of other scenes. There […]

Intel unveils its first chips built for AI in the cloud

[ad_1] The chipmaker also unveiled a next-gen Movidius Vision Processing Unit whose updated computer vision architecture promises over 10 times the inference performance while reportedly managing efficiency six times better than rivals. Those claims have yet to pan out in the real world, but it’s safe to presume that anyone relying on Intel tech for […]

AI can help doctors spot brain hemorrhages faster

[ad_1] The process relied on a convolutional neural network that pored over 4,396 CT scans. That’s a comparatively small number of samples, but the abnormalities were detailed “at the pixel level,” according to UCSF. In other words, they were far less likely to misinterpret noise and other errors as hemorrhages. The technique also had the […]

Here’s how Alexa learned to speak Spanish without your help

[ad_1] The first tool studies a handful of “golden utterances” (that is, reference commands suggested by the developers) to learn general syntax and semantics patterns. After that, it produces “rewrite expressions” that themselves create thousands of new yet similar sentences to work from. The system works quickly — you could move from 50 utterances to […]

Intel wants to use AI to reconnect damaged spinal nerves

[ad_1] The initial interface will use external computing hardware to interpret spine signals. In the long term, the collaborators would like a wholly implanted system to make the connection. This is something of a moonshot, and there’s no guarantee the project will end with a surefire solution for paralysis. It should still be useful even […]

Facebook’s latest AI experiment helps you pick what to wear

[ad_1] Facebook trained Fashion++ by showing the AI thousands of images of outfits that were deemed “fashionable.” What’s innovative about the AI is that it offers suggestions that are subtle. It won’t, for example, recommend that you go out of your way to buy an entirely new outfit. Instead, it will suggest swapping one or […]