Category: neurology

Hitting the Books: These brain cells could hold clues to the CTBI crisis

[ad_1] The Angel and the Assassin: The Tiny Brain Cell That Changed the Course of Medicineby Donna Jackson Nakazawa Whether you’ve just gotten your bell rung, your clock cleaned, or are simply seeing stars — congratulations, you’re likely concussed. When that happens, microglial cells, the human brain’s first line of immune defense, will set about […]

Implant turns brain signals into synthesized speech

[ad_1] The results aren’t flawless. Although the system accurately captures the distinctive sound of someone’s voice and is frequently easy to understand, there are times when the synthesizer produces garbled words. It’s still miles better than earlier approaches that didn’t try to replicate the vocal tract, though. Scientists are also testing denser electrodes on the […]

Researchers partially revive pig brains four hours after ‘death’

[ad_1] Researchers employed a unique anti-coagulating oxygen-carrying solution laden with pharmacological agents, dubbed BrainEx, to serve as an artificial blood replacement. They filtered and pumped it through the heads’ circulatory system and shockingly began to see renewed circulation, metabolic response, and even spontaneous synapse activation. However, the research team was quick to point out, none […]