Category: New York Times

After Math: Quick, throw some money at it

[ad_1] Engadget The NYT taught us all a valuable lesson on opportunity costs this week. Why spend the time and effort to develop a quality podcast in-house when you can sipky spend around $50 million to buy one of the most famous podcast production studios in the business? Let’s see how long the Times can […]

The New York Times removes its articles from Apple News

[ad_1] Articles from The New York Times will no longer appear in the Apple News app. Today, the NYT announced that it is ending its partnership with Apple News. The issue seems to be that while other services, like Google News, send readers to publishers’ websites, Apple News generally keeps readers in the app. Or, […]

Adobe, Twitter and the New York Times team up to fight digital fakes

[ad_1] Adobe, Twitter and the New York Times are tired of seeing fake media propagate, and they're teaming up to do something about it. The trio has launched a Content Authenticity Initiative that aims to create a standard for digital media attribution. I… [ad_2] Source link