Category: noaa

The COVID-19 shutdown is making weather prediction more difficult

[ad_1] WMO The ground and satellite components of that system are largely automated and generally immune to at least the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Director, Earth System Branch in WMO’s Infrastructure Department believes that the impact of losing those aerial observations will still be “relatively modest.” However, he explained in […]

Last month was the hottest January on record

[ad_1] This shouldn’t be too surprising, given that 2019 was Earth’s second-warmest year on record, last June was the hottest on record and researchers just recorded record-high temps in Antarctica. According to NOAA, the 10 warmest Januaries have all occurred since 2002. What makes this year especially unique is that there was no El Niño […]

2019 was Earth’s second-warmest year on record

[ad_1] 2019 was 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (0.98 degrees Celsius) warmer than the 1951 to 1980 mean, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). To collect the data, NASA took exhaustive readings from over 20,000 weather stations, sea surface buoys and ships and Antarctic research stations. The full dataset is available on the agency’s […]

US weather forecast model gets a much-needed upgrade

[ad_1] The results promise to be tangible. NOAA believes there will be a “significant impact” to one- and two-day forceasts, and improve the overall accuracy for forecasts up to a week ahead. It also hopes for further improvements to both the physics as well as the system that ingests data and invokes the weather model. […]

Senators ask the FCC to limit 5G auction to protect weather forecasts

[ad_1] The concern raised in the original Navy memo is that weather forecasts could be lost or degraded due to interference from 5G operating in the 24 GHz band. As the memo explains, the Navy relies on forecasts from NOAA and NASA that use remote sensing in the 23.6-24 GHz bands to determine water vapor. […]

CO2 levels are the highest since humanity began

[ad_1] This is the first time in human history our planet’s atmosphere has had more than 415ppm CO2. Not just in recorded history, not just since the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago. Since before modern humans existed millions of years ago. We don’t know a planet like this. — Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) May […]