Category: nypd

‘Predictive policing’ could amplify today’s law enforcement issues

[ad_1] Predictive policing in and of itself is nothing new. It’s the straightforward evolution of intelligence-driven techniques, based on long established criminology principles that have been used by law enforcement for decades. The idea of forecasting crimes started back in 1931 when University of Chicago sociologist Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay, a criminologist […]

How to protect your identity while protesting police brutality

[ad_1] While there isn’t a whole lot you can do against a cop with a can of mace and an itchy trigger finger, there are plenty of ways to protect your safety, identity and personal data when you’re out exercising your First Amendment rights. You’ll have to do more than follow the Wu-Tang’s advice to […]

NYPD will replace handwritten logs with an iPhone app later this month

[ad_1] The app will send notes to a department database, which offers a few benefits over the physical notebooks. It could eliminate potential abuses, like faking entries in order to get search warrants, and headaches, like having to interpret illegible handwriting. Plus, individual officers won’t have to keep track of dozens of notebooks. Instead the […]