Category: openstreetmap

A typo created a 212-story monolith in ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’

[ad_1] Microsoft’s latest Flight Simulator entry doesn’t do anything small. It’s a title that comes on 10 DVDs and allows you to explore the world in almost its entirety. It turns out that scale even extends to its accidental inclusions. Flight Simulator users recently found an unusual landmark: a 212-story monolith towering over an otherwise […]

OpenStreetMap Haiku project generates poetry about your location

[ad_1] The system considers various aspects of the location you choose using the information users add to OpenStreeMap, a collaborative map project people can edit. It then uses words that can be associated with certain elements: salad, cabbage and carrots, for instance, could show up in the haiku if there’s a supermarket in the area. […]

Facebook opens up its AI tool to OpenStreetMap users

[ad_1] Map with AI relies on computer vision to spot patterns in satellite imagery. The system identifies possible roads and highlights them in OSM’s platform. This can be trickier than it sounds. A road in Tanzania, for example, looks very different from a road in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Roads can vary in size and color, […]