Category: opinion

Engadget Podcast: How tech (and humans) failed the Iowa caucus

[ad_1] The logistical and technical debacle of the Iowa Democratic Caucus is exactly why we’re not hopeful about online voting in America. This week on the Engadget Podcast, Devindra and Cherlynn chat about what exactly went wrong for Iowa’s Democratic Party. The mysterious app from an unknown progressive tech firm was mostly to blame, but […]

Why are we obsessed with Instagram’s ‘What are you?’ filters?

[ad_1] It started off innocently enough: “What Disney princess are you?” “What Pokémon are you?” Then things got a bit more cerebral. “What’s your best quality?” “What should your New Year resolution be?” Then it got dark: “What’s your crippling anxiety?” And then it just got weird: “What type of hole are you?” The premise […]

Phishing scams leveled up, and we didn’t

[ad_1] In case you missed it, on January 22nd The Guardian reported, “Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos had his mobile phone ‘hacked’ in 2018 after receiving a WhatsApp message that had apparently been sent from the personal account of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.” According to the now-contested report by FTI Consulting cited by The […]

Google CEO Sundar Pichai calls for ‘sensible regulation’ of AI

[ad_1] After laying out his relationship with technology and offering a few examples where innovation has had unintended negative consequences, Pichai makes the case that while AI is powerful and useful, we must balance its “potential harms… with social opportunities.” Of course, this call for “balance” leaves some questions about how tight of regulation Pichai […]

Your online activity is now effectively a social ‘credit score’

[ad_1] Despite that, Instagram kicked her off all three accounts, saying her behavior on Twitter violated Instagram’s sexually suggestive content guidelines. On Twitter, Ms. Ward — as The Naked Philanthropist — offered a privately-sent nude photo to those who provided verifiable proof of donation to organizations including Australian Red Cross and The Koala Hospital. Her […]

How home assistants ruined us, an explanation

[ad_1] Understandably, everyone is doing their introspection right now; their year- and decade-end summaries of what was most dreadful in tech, and what lead to this mess we’re all in. I can assure you that one of the key factors is what we have come to call The Internet of Shit and how we’ve embraced […]

The tech CEOs’ year of reckoning

[ad_1] We were blind, and our eyes were opened by zeros and ones. The tech utopia was at hand, and we should just sit back and not ask too many hard questions. Then things went sideways. Social networks that were the catalyst of the Arab Spring were suddenly being used by nation-states, shit posters and […]

The best games for Nintendo Switch

[ad_1] However, the Switch’s online store isn’t the easiest to navigate, so this guide aims to help the uninitiated start their journey on the right foot. These are the games you should own — for now. We’ll be regularly revising our picks moving forward. Oh, and if you’ve just bought a Switch Lite, don’t worry: […]