Category: opposition

Apple calls Epic lawsuit a ‘campaign to reinvigorate interest in Fortnite’

[ad_1] Apple argues, once again, that it has a right to enforce its rules and that it’s not being anticompetitive. Apple claims Epic has benefited in many ways from the partnership and Fortnite’s placement in the App Store and that a 30 percent commission on in-app purchases is a small price to pay for those […]

Facebook accused of ‘cultivating authoritarianism’ in Thailand

[ad_1] “Our group is part of a democratization process, it is a space for freedom of expression,” he told Reuters. “By doing this, Facebook is cooperating with the authoritarian regime to obstruct democracy and cultivating authoritarianism in Thailand.” After careful review, Facebook has determined that we are compelled to restrict access to content which the […]

The FCC voted to approve the T-Mobile-Sprint merger

[ad_1] In her statement, Rosenworcel said: “We’ve all seen what happens when markets become more concentrated after a merger like this one. In the airline industry, it brought us baggage fees and smaller seats. In the pharmaceutical industry, it led to a handful of drug companies raising the prices of lifesaving medications. There’s no reason […]

T-Mobile’s Sprint merger is opposed by 18 state attorneys general

[ad_1] In July, the Department of Justice approved T-Mobile’s $26.5 billion bid to merge with Sprint — on the condition that it sell some of its business to Dish Network. And Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai endorsed the deal. But opposition from so many attorneys general could pose a legitimate threat. The state attorneys […]