Category: paris

Paris is testing ‘noise radar’ that will automatically ticket loud cars

[ad_1] Just shy of 40 of the devices are in use so far, primarily near bars in Paris’ entertainment regions as well as 17 around major buildings. The two-year trial isn’t meant to fine anyone. Rather, it’s meant to both test the viability of the technology and determine the noise levels that lead to penalties. […]

Paris may offer flying taxis to 2024 Olympics guests

[ad_1] You wouldn’t have to wait long, either, as taxis could take off every six minutes. There are already machinations underway. Aeroports de Paris has to pick a site for a flying taxi hub in Paris by the end of 2019, and it should be ready within 18 months. The team will test the link […]

On May 20th, the kilogram will no longer be defined by a lump in France

[ad_1] The change has been years in the making, and on May 20th, three other units of measurement — the ampere, kelvin and mole — will also get new definitions. Those proved to be easier to update, as they weren’t based on a Victorian-era lump in France. The kilo will now correspond to the mass […]