Category: password

Dropbox is testing a password manager

[ad_1] You may soon have another choice when it comes to a password manager. Earlier today, Dropbox uploaded a new app to the Play Store (via Android Police) called Dropbox Passwords. While anyone can download the app, you’ll need an invite from the company before you can log in and use the software. Dropbox doesn’t describe the […]

Scottish Police bought a fleet of devices for smartphone data-mining

[ad_1] The kiosks are not able to save any data — they can only display it to an investigating officer. The only information the kiosks retain is details on how they have been used — by whom and at what times. The software is also able to segregate data based on type (such as messages […]

Google Chrome will warn you if your logins have been stolen

[ad_1] As Google itself notes, this feature is something the company has been working on for a while now. It started with an extension back in February; in October, it embedded the feature directly into Google Accounts. Google is also adding real-time phishing protection to Chrome on desktop. To be clear, Chrome already warns you […]

Pennsylvania court rules suspect can’t be forced to provide his password

[ad_1] Justice Debra Todd noted that revealing a password is testimonial as it’s a “verbal communication” that reveals your mind, not just a physical act like providing a blood sample. It also pointed to federal Supreme Court precedent where people couldn’t be forced to reveal the combination to a wall safe — in both cases, […]

How to crack your half-forgotten crypto password

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency security relies on hashing algorithms that transform a traditional password, such as “banana$123,” into a unique string of numbers and letters, called a hash. To get specific, Ethereum wallets use a password-based key derivation function, meaning users input a unique password they can (theoretically) remember, and in return, they receive a key that […]

You need a password manager — right now

[ad_1] On top of all this, there are the accounts we need to just to keep the lights on, so remembering every single password is impossible. It’s enough to make anyone want to table-flip the internet. (I wish it was possible, I really do.) We have a heaping helping of password fatigue with a side […]

Computer password inventor Fernando Corbato dies at 93

[ad_1] It’s not Corbato’s only pioneering effort, either. CTSS’ simultaneous usage model reduced the wait time for computer responses from hours to second, making the technology far more practical. His Multics time-sharing system, meanwhile, paved the way for future operating systems like Linux with finer-grained privacy controls, a hierarchical file system and other features that […]

Windows 10 preview tests password-free sign-ins

[ad_1] The feature is only available on a “small portion” of users’ PCs at the moment, so it may take a week or more to see it. And since this is the Fast ring, you shouldn’t be surprised if there are any bugs. There are other reasons to consider the release, at least. The Your […]

Google stored some business passwords as plain text

[ad_1] The company isn’t taking any chances despite the lack of known breaches. It’s asking G Suite administrators to change passwords, and it’s automatically resetting passwords for those who do nothing. Consumer Google accounts aren’t affected by the flawed approach. This, along with incidents at companies like Facebook and Twitter, underscores a mounting problem with […]