Category: patent

Apple tried and failed to break RED’s stranglehold on RAW video

[ad_1] RED President Jarred Land said that “we are pleased to see our RedCode patents withstand another challenge,” adding that RED is still working with Apple to get RedCode on its Metal framework. “It has always been Apple + RED, and this was all part of the process defining how we work together in the […]

Apple patent describes electrostatic touchscreen keyboards you can feel

[ad_1] All the usual caveats with patents apply here: just because Apple has patented this technology doesn’t mean we’ll see it make its way into one of the company’s future products. Moreover, it’s best to think of a specific patent application as one of the many directions a company can take a particular technology. With […]

Microsoft is considering foldable devices with liquid-filled hinges

[ad_1] Notably, the patent comes from Microsoft’s technology licensing team. That suggests this isn’t necessarily reserved for a specific device, or even Microsoft devices in general. Instead, Microsoft might license the technology to other hardware makers as foldable screens become more practical. You’re unlikely see a foldable Surface tablet at Microsoft’s October 2nd event, if […]

Nintendo explores ‘bendable’ Switch controllers

[ad_1] There don’t appear to be any changes to the functionality beyond that — the biggest change would be a flexible circuit board. It’s far from certain that Nintendo will implement this in the Switch or a future console. This is the American version of an international patent from February 2018, and the largest change […]

Samsung may develop foldable augmented reality glasses

[ad_1] So long as one of the pair’s temples is unfolded, the glasses’ projector (mounted on the temple) would beam images on the small display placed over the wearer’s field of view. To make sure the device doesn’t accidentally switch off if the user turns their head wrong, it looks like the company is thinking […]

Huawei trademarks its own mobile OS following US ban

[ad_1] Meanwhile, Huawei has made its feelings about its ban clear in an ex parte memo to the Federal Communications Commission. The letter, published this week, condemns the decision to ban the company on the grounds of national security threats, noting that doing so will “do little or nothing to protect the security of America’s […]

Amazon considered letting Alexa listen to you without a wake word

[ad_1] In practice, the patent would allow Alexa to “look backward” at recent things said aloud prior to hearing its name. For example, if a user said something like, “What’s the weather going to be like today, Alexa?” the device would hear the trigger word “Alexa” and quickly go back over the prior phrase to […]

Microsoft designs an Xbox controller with Braille

[ad_1] The patent drawings look similar to the current Xbox One controller, with the addition of paddles along the bottom that would allow players to enter text or commands via Braille. The paddles would also vibrate to provide outputs in Braille. Those might, for instance, communicate what’s happening on the screen or relay text conversations. […]

Jury decides Apple violated three Qualcomm patents in iPhones

[ad_1] Qualcomm filed suit over the issue in 2017. The patents relate to allowing phones to quickly connect to the internet after they’re switched on; battery efficiency and graphics processing; and a traffic management function that allows apps to download data faster. According to CNET, Apple argued an engineer named Arjuna Siva made vital contributions […]

Google shows how it could make a cloud-savvy game controller

[ad_1] The gamepad could also store your account and host device settings (like brightness and volume), not just familiar hardware options like game-specific button bindings and general gamepad settings. You could visit a friend and instantly pick up where you left off. Google originally filed the patent in 2014 (hence the Android KitKat-era “home” and […]