Category: phishing

After Math: Stunning figures | Engadget

[ad_1] I’m disappointed in you, Puerto Rico. Getting snookered for seven figures by a run-of-the-mill phishing scam is the sort of behavior I’d expect from Florida, but you should know better. It make have taken a decade but WhatsApp hit a major milestone, crossing 2 billion registered users. The company also took a moment to […]

Puerto Rico’s government lost $2.6 million to a phishing scam

[ad_1] Rubén Rivera, finance director of the island’s Industrial Development Company, told AP that the agency received an email alleging a change to a bank account tied to remittance payments. In response, the agency transferred the funds to the fake account. It’s still unclear how officials discovered the scam, if anyone has been dismissed or […]

Hacker pleads guilty to stealing Nintendo secrets

[ad_1] In Hernandez’ renewed campaign, which ended when the FBI seized his devices in June 2019, he apparently broke into “multiple” Nintendo servers and stole a host of secret info, bragging about it on Discord and Twitter while leaking some of the data elsewhere. He even shared potential vulnerabilities in Nintendo’s network with his community. […]

Phishing scams leveled up, and we didn’t

[ad_1] In case you missed it, on January 22nd The Guardian reported, “Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos had his mobile phone ‘hacked’ in 2018 after receiving a WhatsApp message that had apparently been sent from the personal account of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.” According to the now-contested report by FTI Consulting cited by The […]

Apple engineers propose a way to make using two-factor texts easier

[ad_1] The proposal has two main objectives. The first is to come up with a way for OTP messages to be associated with a URL: this can be done easily enough by including the login URL within the message itself. The second is to standardize the format of two-factor authentication (2FA) and OTP messages so […]

NYT: Experts find evidence Russians hacked Ukrainian gas company

[ad_1] In 2016, hackers released emails from the Democratic National Committee they accessed after using a targeted attack against Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. Area 1, a security firm that specializes in defense against phishing, says that they discovered a network of fake websites used by the G.R.U., a Russian military intelligence unit, built to target […]

New Orleans declares state of emergency following cyberattack

[ad_1] Officials are running many services on pen and paper until it’s deemed safe for computers to come back online, although the Orleans Parish Communication District (which handles both 311 and 991 lines) and courts weren’t affected. The city added that emergency services’ communications were still active, and that it could still obtain footage from […]

Google adds spam detection and verified business SMS to Messages

[ad_1] When you receive a message from a verified business, you’ll see the company name, logo and a verification badge in the message thread. Businesses must sign up to use Verified SMS, and so far, 1-800-Flowers, Banco Bradesco, Kayak, Payback and SoFi are on-board. Verified SMS is rolling out gradually in the US, Brazil, Canada, […]

Google Chrome will warn you if your logins have been stolen

[ad_1] As Google itself notes, this feature is something the company has been working on for a while now. It started with an extension back in February; in October, it embedded the feature directly into Google Accounts. Google is also adding real-time phishing protection to Chrome on desktop. To be clear, Chrome already warns you […]

Safari in iOS sends some Safe Browsing data to Tencent

[ad_1] The concern, as you might imagine, revolves over what Tencent might do with that data. Both Google and Tencent may log IP addresses in order for their anti-phishing systems to work, but Tencent’s frequent cooperation with the Chinese government raises concerns that its data could be used for surveillance or other nefarious ends. Johns […]