Category: physics

High-speed camera captures a fluid behaving like a solid

[ad_1] By itself, the study revealed what was possible with the material. You could turn the friction (and thus the fluid state) “on and off like a switch” just by varying the pressure. However, Swansea University also suggested this could have a significant impact on engineering going forward. Scientists are already hoping to use DST […]

Astronomers find the first known regular pattern of fast radio bursts

[ad_1] Just what’s causing the bursts isn’t certain. The scientsists know that it’s coming from a “star-churning” area on the outskirts of a giant spiral galaxy, but not what it is. Neutron stars are believed to be a frequent source, but there are a number of possible explanations. They may be coming from a single […]

On May 20th, the kilogram will no longer be defined by a lump in France

[ad_1] The change has been years in the making, and on May 20th, three other units of measurement — the ampere, kelvin and mole — will also get new definitions. Those proved to be easier to update, as they weren’t based on a Victorian-era lump in France. The kilo will now correspond to the mass […]