Category: plane

Twitch chat successfully barrel-rolled a ‘Flight Simulator’ plane

[ad_1] Somehow, the chaotic hivemind that is Twitch chat managed to takeoff, fly and land a plane in Microsoft’s Flight Simulator. The Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner took off from Košice International Airport in Slovakia, flew for about an hour, performed a barrel roll and landed back at the airport, Eurogamer reports. The flight was, impressively, piloted […]

Virgin Galactic reveals its Mach 3 aircraft design

[ad_1] “The design philosophy of the aircraft is geared around making high speed travel practical, sustainable, safe, and reliable, while making customer experience a top priority,” Virgin Galactic wrote in a press release.  Virgin Galactic Next, the company will define specific system architectures and will determine which materials to use in the design and manufacturing […]

Recommended Reading: The 15th anniversary of ‘Halo 2’

[ad_1] When ‘Halo 2’ invaded planet earthAnthony John Agnello,The Ringer In the latest installment of “things that will make you feel old,” Halo 2 was released on November 9, 2004 — which makes it 15 years old. The Ringer takes an in-depth look at the game’s legacy, including how it made video games a shared […]

Garmin’s new nav system can emergency land small planes

[ad_1] If a passenger presses the Autoland button, the system considers factors like weather, fuel on board, runway surface and length, terrain and obstacles and determines the best place to land. It can then guide the plane through the landing. It alerts Air Traffic Control, so help can be waiting on the ground and so […]