Category: Politics

FCC wants to help identify the floor a 911 call is coming from

[ad_1] Wireless service providers are already required to provide 911 call centers with a “dispatchable location” such as a street address or apartment number. With the new rules, those companies would also have to provide location information on the z-axis, showing the verticality of a caller. Accuracy will have to be plus or minus three […]

VW and its former CEO charged with defrauding investors in diesel scandal

[ad_1] According to the SEC, Winterkorn and others in the company intentionally deceived investors and underwriters about the quality and environmental compliance of Volkswagen vehicles. While Volkswagen raised money, the company was participating in a scheme to cheat on emissions tests. By using a piece of software that activated during tests, Volkswagen was able to […]

Face Recognition Privacy Act aims to protect your identifying info

[ad_1] The Senators have conjured up the bill because while facial recognition has been used for security and surveillance for decades, it’s “now being developed at increasing rates for commercial applications.” They argue that a lot of people aren’t aware that the technology is being used in public spaces and that companies can collect identifiable […]

Slack removed 28 accounts with ties to hate groups

[ad_1] While Slack’s Acceptable Use Policy doesn’t explicitly mention hate speech, the company said in a statement, “The use of Slack by hate groups runs counter to everything we believe in at Slack and is not welcome on our platform… Using Slack to encourage or incite hatred and violence against groups or individuals because of […]

Senators want Congressional hacks to be public knowledge

[ad_1] Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Tom Cotton of Arkansas are calling on Senate to provide an annual report on the number of successful hacks of Senate phones and computers. They also want Senate leadership to be notified of any breaches within five days of discovery. As the Senators point out, companies and executive […]

Why humans must band together to fight the tyranny of tech

[ad_1] It might seem like there's no winning against Facebook and Google, tech companies whose reach and influence are now practically inescapable. Facebook's inability to police its own platform led to widespread misinformation ahead of the 2016 election…. [ad_2] Source link

Facebook temporarily pulled Warren ads about breaking it up

[ad_1] One of Warren’s ads is a video directing users to a petition on her campaign website, asking voters to support her plan. Others feature images and text with the the same message. In a tweet, the Senator said that the event demonstrates how much power Facebook wields. Curious why I think FB has too […]

Amazon lets third-party sellers offer lower prices on rival sites

[ad_1] Senator Richard Blumenthal wrote to the FTC Commission Chairman in December arguing that Amazon’s policy could “stifle” competition and “artificially inflate prices” for shoppers. While it’s not certain that the FTC intended to investigate, Amazon’s relaxed approach could address potential criticism by allowing sellers more flexibility in where and how they pitch their goods […]

Trump’s 2020 budget proposal cuts the EV tax credit

[ad_1] Before you rush out to buy a plug-in car to score the incentive before it disappears, know that it’s unlikely the proposed budget will pass through Congress. With the House of Representatives currently ruled by a Democratic majority, any Trump proposal is likely to face stiff opposition. Automakers have been lobbying Congress to extend […]

Trump administration may monitor social media to catch disability fraud (updated)

[ad_1] On Monday, the White House released a fiscal 2020 budget proposal that would allow the Social Security Administration to “use all collection tools to recover funds in certain scenarios” as well as hold fraud investigators liable for overpayments. Right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party have long attacked the […]