Category: pornography

Porn cam network leaked sensitive data for thousands of models

[ad_1] Data leaks by their nature subject people to some kind of unnecessary risk, but this latest could be genuinely dangerous. Researchers at vpnMentor have discovered that a porn cam affiliate network, PussyCash, left nearly 20GB of models’ extremely sensitive data exposed in an Amazon S3 bucket. The repository included not only 875,000 keys for […]

Australia wants to verify porn users by scanning their faces

[ad_1] “Home Affairs is developing a Face Verification Service which matches a person’s photo against images used on one of their evidence of identity documents to help verify their identity,” the Home Affairs agency wrote in a submission. “This could assist in age verification, for example by preventing a minor from using their parent’s driver […]

Porn bots are now storming Twitter’s trending topics

[ad_1] One account Tweeted, “Marzia Pewds KickItOut Tusk Will Keane Irish Sea Phil Lynoott Chopra josh kroenke Lavazza Joe Sugg Dulux Nick Timothy Ben Unwin Amy Adams US Steel Little Brother USA Network Congrats Felix.” US Steel was trending on Twitter on Tuesday after reports that the company plans to lay off hundreds of workers […]

India lifts ban on TikTok

[ad_1] A TikTok spokesman applauded the court’s decision in a statement. “We are glad about this decision and we believe it is also greatly welcomed by our thriving community in India, who use TikTok as a platform to showcase their creativity. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue serving our users better.” TikTok sparked […]