Category: president trump

Trump approves TikTok deal with Oracle and Walmart ‘in concept’

[ad_1] The new company will also be required to have an IPO on a US stock exchange, and American ownership is expected to “grow over time.” The Commerce Department simultaneously created a window for the potential deal by delaying the ban on TikTok’s app by a week, until the end of September 27th. TikTok had […]

White House calls on Supreme Court to rule on Trump’s Twitter blocking

[ad_1] The case was first filed by Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute in July 2017, and has since kicked off both a protracted legal battle and a wider conversation about the nature of the president’s Twitter account. About a year later, Judge Naomi Buchwald of New York’s Southern District ruled that President Trump’s ceaseless […]

Trump confirms cyberattack against Russian trolls during 2018 midterms

[ad_1] The 2018 US attack on Russia was reportedly meant to disrupt efforts to cast doubt on the legitimacy of midterm results, which saw the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives. The confirmation is a change of tune for Trump. He previously claimed that Russia had stopped cyberattacks agains the US and has […]

TikTok users and K-pop fans say they wrecked Trump’s Tulsa rally

[ad_1] It’s unclear exactly how much of an impact these social media efforts had, since COVID-19 may have kept many at home regardless. However, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale had clearly accepted inflated attendance numbers when he boasted of over 1 million ticket requests on June 15th, and the team had prepared an overflow section […]

Senators push FCC to take action on Trump’s social media order

[ad_1] Whether or not the senators get what they want is another matter. Reuters noted that FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly saw “very complex issues” behind the order. He previously echoed beliefs that conservatives were being “stifled by liberal tech leaders,” but also said he was “extremely dedicated” to free speech rights. Chairman Pai said in […]

Amazon wants to question Trump over his role in the $10 billion DoD contract

[ad_1] In court documents unsealed Monday, Amazon said it is looking to depose “individuals who were instrumental” in the JEDI selection process, including Dana Deasy, the Defense Department’s chief information officer, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and former Defense Secretary James Mattis. The Department of Defense (DoD) awarded the $10 billion JEDI contract to Microsoft last […]

President Trump will visit Apple’s Mac Pro factory on November 20th

[ad_1] For Apple, though, there’s an extra level of urgency. The next big round of US tariffs on China is poised to take effect on December 15th, and it could easily raise the costs of selling phones, laptops, monitors and other mainstays of Apple’s product lineup. A tour like this might help Apple persuade Trump […]

Trump administration may blacklist Chinese firms that routinely copy tech

[ad_1] Navarro called the apparent leak “fake news” in response, but the Post maintained that multiple insiders had seen hard copies of the potential order. If an order like this did go ahead, it would raise numerous concerns about potential abuses of power. It’s not clear what level of violations would be needed to reach […]

Trump’s ‘Social Media Summit’ was a celebration of conspiracy theorists

[ad_1] “A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies,” Trump tweeted. “We will not let them get away with it much longer.” While Trump didn’t mention Facebook and Twitter by name, it’s not hard to figure out who he […]