Category: prism

Yes, the Patriot Act amendment to track us online is real

[ad_1] Interestingly, one “Big Browser” company has a feature that’s a useful tool in this context. Like the way Apple can’t “read” your iPhone’s data (specifically, Apple can’t decrypt it), Google can only share what it can “read.” You can password protect your Chrome data by following the instructions here.  Anyway, to validate the concerns […]

Court says data swept up by the NSA is protected by the Fourth Amendment

[ad_1] Government attorneys had argued that the Constitution didn’t address the use of private email and phone call data. The US had charged Hasbajrami in 2011 with providing material support to a terrorist group in Pakistan, and the suspect initially pleaded guilty to one of the charges after his counsel told him that there were […]

FBI use of NSA’s electronic surveillance data was illegal

[ad_1] The NSA database included both “upstream” and “downstream” (better known as PRISM) surveillance of electronic communications collected without a warrant under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In some cases, the database swept up info about American citizens. The FISA court, under U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, found tens of thousands […]