Category: prison

Scientist who edited babies’ genes sentenced to three years in prison

[ad_1] He will also pay a 3 million yuan ($429,000) fine and be banned from reproductive medicine for life. His co-workers, Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzhou, will also receive prison terms of two years and 18 months, respectively, on top of fines and bans. There were a total of ten authors on the scientific paper […]

Google helped create a prison data map to shape reform policy

[ad_1] An organization called Vera believes the answer at least partly includes better, more accurate and transparent data on prison populations, which is likely what drew the interest of Google., a division of the search giant that supports nonprofits by providing them with funding, technical expertise, tools and volunteers, helped Vera compile its latest […]

Silk Road 2 founder sentenced five years after the site was shut down

[ad_1] In 2013, the FBI seized Silk Road, a notorious online marketplace that offered anonymous drug and gun sales. Its creator Ross Ulbricht was later sentenced to life in prison. White reportedly launched Silk Road 2 almost immediately after the original site came down, but by the time the feds shut it down, he had […]

Spain halts plans to use electric shock treatment on violent inmates

[ad_1] The current targets the prefrontal cortex, an area of ​​the brain that has been linked to decision-making and moderating social behavior. The preliminary results of the test were published in the journal Neuroscience in January. It marked the first time tDCS was used on prisoners, according to Vox, with the team behind it noting […]