Category: Privacy

‘Every Thing Every Time’ builds poetry from the smart city

[ad_1] It was an echo of some of the things happening in Austin at that moment, a kind of live poetic commentary on the commonplace. Every minute, the board refreshed; it continues to generate 1,440 poems each day. The installation, called “EVERY THING EVERY TIME,” is the work of Naho Matsuda, a German-Japanese artist and […]

Foursquare’s unusual pitch: The ethical data company

[ad_1] Over the last decade, Foursquare has moved beyond app check-ins and mayoral skirmishes to mostly serve other companies. It’s a platform for apps that change according to your location, whether you check in or not. The combination of its ability to ambiently pinpoint locations and having what Crowley calls its “base map of the […]

Facebook only cares about privacy because it has to

[ad_1] That’s great and all, but why is Facebook suddenly interested in taking this approach? After all, the company has built its entire business model around people sharing things publicly. While Zuckerberg has been hinting at this new strategy in recent earnings calls, it’s now clear that it’s no longer just an idea. It will […]

US Army email mistake puts hundreds of immigrant recruits at risk

[ad_1] The Army sent out the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) recruit data “at least” three times between July 2017 and January 2018. Chinese recruits have already used the list to support their asylum claims, warning that they might face retaliation if they’re sent back to their country of origin. Some recruits […]

Mark Zuckerberg outlines a ‘privacy-focused’ revamp of Facebook

[ad_1] Zuckerberg saw WhatsApp as the template for these changes. It’s a secure messaging platform first, and includes features built on top of that foundation. The executive suggested that it ultimately represented the “future of communication,” where you can be sure that whatever you say is both protected and impermanent. He also acknowledged the skepticism […]