Category: proposed

A House bill could cap the concentration of nicotine in e-cigs

[ad_1] The European Union enforces a similar cap, but the US does not currently have a national standard. According to CNN, Juul’s five-percent pods have 59 mg/ml. Juul has said that’s equivalent to the nicotine-per-puff ratio in a pack of cigarettes. Some say the high-nicotine content in vape products is one reason the rate of […]

FCC Chairman wants to ban caller ID spoofing for text messages

[ad_1] “We must attack this problem with every tool we have,” Chairman Pai said. “With these new rules, we’ll close the loopholes that hamstring law enforcement when they try to pursue international scammers and scammers using text messaging.” While the Truth in Caller ID Act prohibits spoofing caller ID information, it did not originally extend […]