Category: psa

Google Drive will start automatically deleting Trash files after 30 days

[ad_1] Beginning on October 13th, Google Drive is changing its Trash policies. After 30 days, files that you’ve trashed will be automatically deleted. Until now, those files have been stored indefinitely, unless you manually and permanently deleted them from Trash. There’s a good chance you’ll only be impacted by this change if you were using […]

Apple shows a White House coronavirus PSA to App Store users

[ad_1] Tech giants have been displaying prominent coronavirus alerts in various places, but Apple is stepping things up with its latest addition. Users have noticed that Apple is now displaying a White House public service announcement at the top of the App Store for US customers. Tap it and White House Coronavirus Task Force member […]

Hitting the Books: How to get a date online

[ad_1] Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide to Online Etiquette, from Social Media to Work to Loveby Victoria Turk Boomers rightly take a lot of flack for their inability to fully grasp the intricacies of modern social media but that doesn’t mean the rest of us are necessarily that much more savvy than our parents. […]