Category: quantum computing

White House budget proposal would hike AI and quantum funding by 30 percent

[ad_1] It’s not surprising why the US would devote more money to these efforts. US Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios stressed that the country needed to be “winning and leading” not just in present-day technology, but also that which would “define our future.” It’s concerned that countries like China might claim an edge, and the […]

Energy Department unveils roadmap for a national quantum internet

[ad_1] The funding for the network would come from part of the nearly $1.3 billion budget devoted to the National Quantum Initiative. There’s already some progress toward these goals. The Wall Street Journal noted that Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago built a 52-mile quantum network through unused fiber, and it should expand […]

Intel’s ‘hot’ qubits could lead to more advanced quantum computers

[ad_1] Intel has edged one step closer to practical quantum computers. The chipmaker and its partner QuTech have successfully controlled “hot” qubits (that is, at temperatures above 1 kelvin) that are also coherent and dense, making it easier to put qubits and control electronics on the same chip and thus produce more advanced quantum computers. […]

Intel outlines chip that will make quantum computers smaller and faster

[ad_1] The system-on-chip is based on Intel’s 22-nanometer FinFET Low Power process and includes four radio frequency channels that can control a total of 128 qubits. That may not sound like a lot, but it’s more than double the 49 qubits Intel was boasting for its Tangle Lake test chip back in early 2018. It […]

‘Quantum microphone’ detects sound at the atomic level

[ad_1] Phonons have previously been impossible to measure because traditional microphones are not nearly sensitive enough to pick them up. A microphone works by detecting when a sound wave interacts with a membrane, but the phonons are so small that they can’t be detected individually due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Instead of relying on […]

Cloudflare wants to protect the internet from quantum computing

[ad_1] While Cloudflare hasn’t solved the problems that cryptography raises for encryption, it’s been trying to “quantum-proof” TLS, the encryption technology formerly called SSL, which protects connections between web browsers and servers. Cloudflare plans to continue this work, and it hopes that by sharing CIRCL, it will help other researchers prepare for a post-quantum world. […]

Microsoft, Alphabet team up to teach quantum computer programming

[ad_1] The very concept of a quantum computer can be daunting, let alone programming it, but Microsoft thinks it can offer a helping hand. It’s partnering with Alphabet’s X and Brilliant on an online curriculum for quantum computing. The course starts with basic concepts and gradually introduces you to Microsoft’s Q# language, teaching you how […]

Holographic tech could be key to future quantum computers

[ad_1] Existing techniques for both studying light and extracting 3D info are inherently limited by the size of wavelengths. This allows a considerably higher resolution that can even include holographic movies of fast-moving objects. The approach is still very early and might not reach quantum computers for a long time. However, it does hint at […]