Category: race

What’s the tech industry’s place in a racial justice movement?

[ad_1] A blunt explanation for why technology corporations — consumer facing ones, at least — are taking an unusually bold stand on racism is simply that they are following the public.  Public interest lawyer Bryan Stevenson has talked about how, even if the North won the legal battle for racial equality in 1865, the South […]

DeepMind and Oxford University researchers on how to ‘decolonize’ AI

[ad_1] The paper, published this month in the journal Philosophy & Technology, has at heart the idea that you have to understand historical context to understand why technology can be biased. “Everyone’s talking about racial bias and technology, gender bias and technology, and wanting to mitigate these risks, but how can you if you don’t […]

Formula E racer disqualified for using a ringer in an esports race

[ad_1] Abt did have a Zoom feed going, but his face was blocked by a microphone or other equipment. “Please ask Daniel Abt to put his Zoom next time he’s driving, because like Stoffel said I’m pretty sure he wasn’t in,” said two-time Formula E champion Jean-Eric Vergne. Formula E reportedly checked IP addresses and […]