Category: ransomware

Travelex hack knocks out Samsung Pay international money transfers

[ad_1] In a call, a customer service representative for Travelex confirmed that Samsung Pay payments are down and will continue to be until Travelex resolves the ongoing issue. Any users attempting to make a transfer will be unable to complete the process. While a number of Britain’s biggest banks have been affected by the attack, […]

New Orleans declares state of emergency following cyberattack

[ad_1] Officials are running many services on pen and paper until it’s deemed safe for computers to come back online, although the Orleans Parish Communication District (which handles both 311 and 991 lines) and courts weren’t affected. The city added that emergency services’ communications were still active, and that it could still obtain footage from […]

Recommended Reading: The ‘fingerprints’ of bourbon

[ad_1] Whiskey webs: Microscale “fingerprints” of bourbon whiskeyStuart J. Williams, Martin J. Brown, VI and Adam D. Carrithers,Physical Review Fluids (PDF) Finish up your weekend with glass of your favorite bourbon. And while you imbibe, these findings from researchers at the University of Louisville (because of course) will keep you company. A team from the […]

Dentist offices across the U.S. hit with ransomware

[ad_1] The issue stems from a breach that occurred over the weekend in which hackers were able to deploy REvil ransomware on computers running software from the afformentioned companies. Dental offices discovered the issue on Monday when they attempted to access patient information but were locked out and presented with a ransom demand. The Digital […]

US officials brace for ransomware attacks against election systems

[ad_1] The prep includes education and recommendations as well as more immediate checks like remote penetration testing and vulnerability scans. It won’t, however, involve advice on whether or not state governments should pay ransoms. Homeland Security wants systems to be sufficiently airtight that they aren’t forced to make that choice, an unnamed official told Reuters. […]

Ransomware attack in Texas targets local government agencies

[ad_1] Texas hasn’t named the institutions so far due to “security concerns.” Security teams hadn’t identified the culprits. However, the evidence to date pointed to a “single threat actor” attacking all these entities at once. Ransomware attacks usually come from criminal organizations hoping to make a quick profit, although there have been reported instances of […]

Even DSLR cameras are vulnerable to ransomware

[ad_1] Check Point Software noticed that the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) — which is unauthenticated in both wired and wireless modes — is particularly vulnerable to malware attacks. Ironically, they were able to uncover flaws in the Canon EOS 80D by using firmware originally cracked by Magic Lantern, which supplies its own open source app […]

Local governments are still woefully unprepared to fight ransomware

[ad_1] A string of high-profile attacks over the past six years have brought the threat of encountering ransomware to the forefront of public consciousness. However, the practice of remotely encrypting data and holding it for ransom is nearly 30 years old. 1989’s PC Cyborg virus, colloquially dubbed the AIDS Trojan as it initially targeted AIDS […]

US Treasury has ‘serious concerns’ Libra could be used for terrorism

[ad_1] According to Mnuchin, the US has been at the forefront of regulating entities that provide cryptocurrencies. It has also seen cryptocurrencies exploited to support illicit activities including cyber crime, tax evasion, extortion, ransomware, human trafficking and more. Still, Mnuchin said the US “welcomes responsible innovation, including new technologies that may improve the efficiency of […]

The price of technological progress

[ad_1] VidAngel is paying the price for its “family friendly” business practice of editing out adult situations — sex, cursing and whathaveyou — from Hollywood films and renting out the results. This judgement is likely to put the company out of business given that the fine is $60.2 million more than what it has in […]