Category: rdna

AMD fires back at ‘Super’ NVIDIA with Radeon 5700 price cuts

[ad_1] AMD just unveiled its new Radeon 5700 line of graphics cards with 7nm chips at E3 last month, and with just days to go before they launch on July 7th, the company has announced new pricing. In the “spirit” of competition that it says is “heating up” in the graphics market — specifically NVIDIA’s […]

AMD isn’t ruling out ray tracing for its new Radeon RX 5000 GPUs

[ad_1] Back at CES, AMD CEO Lisa Su mentioned that they were working on ray tracing from a hardware and software end. When today’s announcement came and went without any mention of the technology, I started to worry that it wouldn’t make it into this generation of cards. But based on discussions with CEO Lisa […]