Category: regulation

House antitrust subcommittee will investigate internet competition

[ad_1] It’s still early days, but the committee is planning a “series of hearings” and intends to request info while conducting the investigation. Not surprisingly, officials were open to the prospect of creating new laws if necessary. The announcement comes just days after a report of a possible Justice Department investigation of Google, and weeks […]

Boeing reportedly left engineers, officials unaware of 737 Max changes

[ad_1] Moreover, the aircraft maker reportedly didn’t disclose the MCAS changes to FAA officials responsible for determining pilot training requirements. While they’d been informed about the original, safer version of MCAS, they granted a request to remove the anti-stall tech from the pilot manual without realizing that Boeing was in the midst of changing the […]

US regulators carve up oversight of Amazon and Google

[ad_1] Both the DOJ and FTC have declined to comment on the rumor. It wouldn’t be shocking to see action. The FTC created a task force precisely to investigate antitrust issues in the tech industry, and companies like Google have faced antitrust crackdowns in Europe. Whether or not anything happens in the near future, this […]

Poland challenges EU’s new copyright law over censorship fears

[ad_1] Poland was one of six EU members that voted against the measure, including Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden. Most objections to the content filtering have revolved around the general chilling effect it might have on the web, leading to conspicuously empty search results and skittish content creators. However, Poland’s concern is more […]

Lawmakers call for regulation of facial recognition tech

[ad_1] While the hearing closed without any concrete plan for regulations in place, it’s clear that the idea of restricting the use of facial recognition technology — especially by law enforcement agencies and other government organizations — has a wide base of support. Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings said members are considering enforcing a moratorium or […]

US carriers say they’ve stopped selling location data

[ad_1] To no one’s surprise, the carriers maintained that their sales only allowed specific uses. AT&T’s terms required “approved use cases” and deletion of info, while Verizon said it had a “detailed process” for clearing and screening aggregators’ customers. Sprint was less specific, but said it allowed aggregators to hold on to data for long […]

Tesla adjusts Autopilot to comply with new EU regulations

[ad_1] Tesla said that the steering wheel will be limited in how far it can turn when on Autosteer. This will likely make sharp turns more challenging. Also, lane changes must be made quickly: “Additionally, to initiate Auto Lane Change, the turn signal must be engaged to the first detent (held partially up or down) […]

Kamala Harris sees Facebook as a ‘utility’ that might need breaking up

[ad_1] The observations come days after Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes used an op-ed to ask the FTC to break up Facebook. Candidates beyond Harris have had varying stances. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has offered increased antitrust oversight without specifically calling for a Facebook split, while Sen. Cory Booker said a President shouldn’t wield “personal beliefs” and […]

Facebook says it needs more regulation, not a breakup

[ad_1] Clegg contended that Facebook was really a large firm made of “many smaller pieces,” each competing against multiple rivals, and wasn’t dominant in some markets. It had ‘just’ 20 percent of the US online ad space, for instance. The ex-politician also maintained that antitrust law was meant to protect customers by ensuring low prices […]

FCC denies China Mobile’s bid to provide services in the US

[ad_1] In a statement, Pai further argued that China Mobile was “vulnerable to exploitation, influence, and control” by virtue of the Chinese government’s ownership. And when the Chinese are involved in both hacking campaigns and stealing intellectual property, there was a good chance China Mobile would “seriously jeopardize” American interests through surveillance and other activities. […]