Category: researchers

Google spent a record sum rewarding researchers for hacking its products

[ad_1] Google’s Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRP) have been around since 2010, designed to reward researchers for discovering bugs and flaws that Google might have missed. The initiative has expanded steadily since then to cover its other products, including Chrome and Android, and last year the company extended its Google Play security reward arm to include […]

Google researchers taught an AI to recognize smells

[ad_1] The researchers created a data set of nearly 5,000 molecules identified by perfumers, who labeled the molecules with descriptions ranging from “buttery” to “tropical” and “weedy.” The team used about two-thirds of the data set to train its AI (a graph neural network or GNN) to associate molecules with the descriptors they often receive. […]

Harvard’s noodly robot fingers are great at grabbing jellyfish

[ad_1] Jellyfish are about 95 percent water, and the remaining five percent of their body is incredibly delicate. At the moment, most of the tools used to capture jellyfish in their natural habitat were developed for the marine oil and gas industries, and they often shred jellyfish to pieces when they attempt to capture them. […]