Category: role queue

‘Overwatch’ is adding a competitive mode that doesn’t require role locks

[ad_1] Some players have voiced concerns about queue times, but Kaplan says that Blizzard’s data shows the new mode will actually improve wait times, rather than stretch the out. However, he does reassure fans that the game will continue to be balanced specifically for Role Queue, which will remain the primary competitive mode for Overwatch. […]

‘Overwatch’ will finally address some old problems with Quick Play

[ad_1] It’s always been a frustrating problem with Overwatch that has been somewhat overlooked as many tweaks focus on the more intensely debated areas of the game. Ever since Blizzard added role queues that can keep players waiting for upwards of 20 minutes at times, it’s even worse. According to Kaplan, backfill isn’t going away […]

‘Overwatch’ test lets you pick and queue for a specific hero class

[ad_1] But now, if you’re in competitive or quick play, you can choose your role before the game starts and the system will match two tanks, two supports and two damage heroes to create a team. Each of the roles has its own queue, and you’ll be able to see estimates for the wait times […]