Category: ron wyden

Secret Service bought location data pulled from common apps

[ad_1] With Locate X, an agency like the Secret Service could, for instance, create a geo-fence around a crime scene. It could then identify mobile devices that were in that area prior to the crime and see where those devices traveled before or after the incident. Police took that approach following a burglary in 2019, […]

Bipartisan bill would scale back key section of the Patriot Act

[ad_1] While there are a variety of facets to the bill, the most significant aspect of it is that it would prohibit the warrantless collection of cell-site and GPS geolocation data, as well as internet browsing and search history by US intelligence agencies. Additionally, the bill would eliminate the relevance clause that had allowed the […]

Senator asks FTC to investigate questionable ad blocking practices (updated)

[ad_1] You're not the only one concerned that ad blocking companies may have taken customers for a ride by whitelisting advertisers willing to pay. Senator Ron Wyden has sent a letter to the FTC asking the regulator to investigate ad blocking companies over… [ad_2] Source link

Congress worries sale of .org could harm non-profits

[ad_1] Control over the .org internet domain is close to changing hands, and American politicians aren't happy. Senators Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden have joined Rep. Anna Eshoo in sending a letter demanding answers over the Internet… [ad_2] Source link

The NSA says it stopped tracking cellphone locations without a warrant

[ad_1] Last year the Supreme Court ruled, in a 5-4 decision, that a search warrant is required for law enforcement to perform cellphone tower searches to track someone’s location. The Daily Beast reported on a letter sent by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to Senator Ron Wyden affirming that ever since […]

Senator Wyden pushes his ‘Mind Your Own Business’ privacy act forward

[ad_1] As The Verge reports, the bill would allow the FTC to set minimum privacy and cybersecurity standards for tech companies, issue fines up to four percent of a company’s annual revenue and make it a crime for senior execs to lie to the agency regarding privacy issues. It would empower state attorneys general to […]

Intelligence Committee releases heavily redacted report on 2016 election hacking

[ad_1] Today the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Vol. 1 of its report (PDF) on Russian attempts at election hacking in 2016. However, much of the information in it has already been released — like knowledge that hacking attempts reached all 50 states in one form or another — or is blacked out. […]

Senators propose legislation to protect your phone at the border

[ad_1] In addition to needing a warrant, the “Protecting Data at the Border Act” would prevent agents from denying access to US citizens who refuse to hand over devices, passwords or log-in credentials. Though, federal agents could override the need for a warrant in the event of immediate danger, conspiratorial activities threatening national security or […]

Senators ask the FCC to limit 5G auction to protect weather forecasts

[ad_1] The concern raised in the original Navy memo is that weather forecasts could be lost or degraded due to interference from 5G operating in the 24 GHz band. As the memo explains, the Navy relies on forecasts from NOAA and NASA that use remote sensing in the 23.6-24 GHz bands to determine water vapor. […]