Category: roscosmos

Russia is making more Soyuz spacecraft to help NASA’s ISS missions

[ad_1] The other Soyuz vessel would be used for a space tourist flight due in late 2021, although this would help free resources for other missions. Not surprisingly, Russia used the order as a chance to criticize American planning. The country reportedly warned the US that it should have asked for more seats in advance […]

Russia tests new Soyuz rocket by sending a humanoid robot to the ISS

[ad_1] Fyodor blasted off with 1,450 pounds of supplies on top of a Soyuz 2.1a rocket, which is equipped with a new digital flight control system and upgraded engines, according to Space. This test flight will help Roscosmos determine whether it’s safe enough to ferry humans, including NASA astronauts, in the future. If all goes […]