Category: rover

Toyota will spend 10 years perfecting its astronaut moon rover

[ad_1] The six-wheeled vehicle will carry two people up to 6,200 miles using solar power and fuel cell technology. At 20 feet long, 17 feet wide and 12 feet tall, it’ll have 140 square feet of habitable space. Thanks to the pressurization, astronauts won’t need spacesuits while inside. The timeline is pretty busy, and considering […]

Watch India launch a historic Moon mission starting at 5PM ET

[ad_1] The mission is getting started with India’s most powerful launch rocket to date, the GSLV Mk III-M1. It’s going to be a long while before you can see the landing itself. Vikram won’t be ready to touch down until September 6th. If successful, though, it will represent a major milestone for India’s spacefaring ambitions. […]

Curiosity rover finds gas levels on Mars hinting at possibility of life

[ad_1] Just what would produce the methane isn’t clear. It could represent recent or even current microbial life (possibly underground), but it could also geothermal reactions or ages-old methane finally escaping to the surface. The one certainty is that any gas will have appeared relatively recently — reactions with sunlight and chemicals would split the […]

Japan’s moon rover will be made by Toyota

[ad_1] Toyota is going to the moon. The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has teamed up with the carmaker to build a pressurized self-driving rover that will land on the lunar surface in 2029. The six-wheeled transporter will be able to carry two humans for a distance of 10,000 kilometers using solar power and Toyota‘s […]