Category: Russia

Reddit bans 61 accounts linked to ‘suspected campaign from Russia’

[ad_1] Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn presented leaked documents to back claims that the British government put its NHS on the table as part of trade talks with the US. Earlier this week, network analysis firm Graphika Labs linked the leak of the documents and the posts on Reddit from a month before to techniques […]

Facebook’s plan to label state media is taking longer than expected

[ad_1] The challenge, you might imagine, is that different state-backed media organizations have different levels of control. Outlets like Russia’s RT and China’s Xinhua are more directly controlled by their host countries and often serve as propaganda outlets, but others like the UK’s BBC and Canada’s CBC are kept at arm’s length from their respective […]

Apple will take a ‘deeper look’ at disputed borders in Maps

[ad_1] “We review international law as well as relevant US and other domestic laws before making a determination in labeling on our Maps and make changes if required by law,” the spokeswoman said. There’s no doubt that Apple had fought the Russian requirement. It spent several months negotiating with Russia in hopes of finding a […]

Apple caves on demands to show Crimea as part of Russia in its apps

[ad_1] Russia forcibly annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. The country faced immediate and severe backlash from the international community, as the takeover contradicted numerous long standing agreements between the two nations. The G8 suspended Russia’s membership and imposed sanctions on the country as punishment. Since then, Russia has been diligent about representing […]

Russia bans the sale of devices without Russian software

[ad_1] The bill was created by a “pan-partisan group of legislators,” according to Meduza. The aim is ostensibly to give consumers more choice, according to co-author Oleg Nikolayev. “When we buy complex electronic devices, they already have individual applications, mostly Western ones, pre-installed on them,” he said. “Naturally… they might think that there are no […]

Russia is making more Soyuz spacecraft to help NASA’s ISS missions

[ad_1] The other Soyuz vessel would be used for a space tourist flight due in late 2021, although this would help free resources for other missions. Not surprisingly, Russia used the order as a chance to criticize American planning. The country reportedly warned the US that it should have asked for more seats in advance […]

Russia’s ‘sovereign internet’ law takes effect

[ad_1] The government’s official reason for signing the bill into law is that it will prevent cyberattacks and will allow Russia to keep its internet functioning in case the West cuts the country off from the world wide web. However, the deep packet inspection equipment that internet providers will be required to install under the […]

Russian hackers modify Chrome and Firefox to track secure web traffic

[ad_1] Just why the intruders would need to do that isn’t entirely clear. If you’ve infected a system with a remote control trojan, you don’t need to patch the browser to spy on traffic. ZDNet suggested it might be a failsafe that let intruders spy on traffic for people who remove the trojan, but aren’t […]

US sanctions two Russians for meddling in 2018 midterm elections

[ad_1] Thanks to the Mueller Report, we know that the IRA exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. The group attempted to use disinformation to sway the 2018 midterm elections, too. US Cyber Command took the IRA offline on the day of the elections, and the Department […]

Russia reportedly breached encrypted FBI comms in 2010

[ad_1] The Russians could reportedly only crack “moderately encrypted” radio systems like those the FBI used, and not the strongest protections, but that was still worrying — and it wasn’t certain just how Russia compromised the systems. Some officials worried Russia might have a mole, but that wasn’t clear. An anonymous CIA officer speaking to […]