Category: safari

UK court rules Google must face lawsuit over Safari privacy

[ad_1] Google told the Financial Times that it intended to appeal the reversal to the country’s Supreme Court. It said the incident “took place nearly a decade ago” and that it had “addressed [it] at the time.” The lawsuit “has no merit,” the company added. The suit could prove costly to Google if successful. The […]

Apple promises hostile treatment for sites that break Safari privacy rules

[ad_1] Cross-site tracking is the practice of monitoring a person’s browsing behavior. Often, it involves sharing data with third parties such as advertisers. If you’ve ever looked at a product on Amazon, and then seen ads for it follow you from website to website, you’ve been a victim of cross-site tracking. As CNET notes, Apple […]

Indian streaming giant broke Safari support to deal with security hole

[ad_1] The company publicly blamed “technical limitations” in Safari for the sudden lack of support, but the tipsters said this wasn’t the truth. They instead said that Hotstar fully intended on restoring Safari support once it had patched the flaw on its side, and the site appeared to have resumed working at the time we […]