Category: sample

Amazon ends creepy program that sent samples based on purchase history

[ad_1] Product Sampling is ostensibly a convenience — you can try items you’d otherwise never consider. However, it also serves as a physical reminder of Amazon’s far-reaching data collection. Even if you’re fully aware that Amazon has a detailed record of your purchase history, it could still be creepy to receive cat food or moisturizer […]

China’s rover finds mysterious minerals on the far side of the moon

[ad_1] Chang’e-4 intentionally landed inside the moon’s Von Kármán crater, one of the largest known impact structures in the solar system. As National Geographic points out, if scientists are going to find lunar mantle material anywhere, that’s a good place to look. In exploring the carter’s basin, Yutu-2 reportedly found two minerals: low-calcium (ortho)pyroxene and […]