Category: senate

EARN IT Act amendments transfer the fight over Section 230 to the states

[ad_1] The other major concern opponents of the EARN IT Act raise has to do with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which says that companies are not liable for much of the content that users post. Originally, the EARN IT Act proposed requiring that companies “earn” Section 230 protections by following recommended practices […]

Senate bill aims to boost accountability for Section 230 without gutting it

[ad_1] Greater accountability would come by requiring a “defined complaint system” that handles reports and alerts users to moderation actions within two weeks while providing an appeals process. Companies would have 24 hours to remove any content deemed illegal, although smaller outlets would have more leeway for responding to requests and user complaints. The bill […]

Republican Senate bill seeks an end to ‘warrant-proof’ encryption

[ad_1] It’d also require the AG to create a competition that would reward “participants who create a lawful access solution in an encrypted environment, while maximizing privacy and security.” In addition, the bill would allocate funding for the Justice Department’s National Domestic Communications Assistance Center in order to bolster “digital evidence training for law enforcement.” […]

Senators push FCC to take action on Trump’s social media order

[ad_1] Whether or not the senators get what they want is another matter. Reuters noted that FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly saw “very complex issues” behind the order. He previously echoed beliefs that conservatives were being “stifled by liberal tech leaders,” but also said he was “extremely dedicated” to free speech rights. Chairman Pai said in […]

Senate bill offers more incentives for private spaceflight

[ad_1] Politicians are seizing on Crew Dragon fervor to offer more incentives for private spaceflight. A group of US senators including Marco Rubio, Dianne Feinstein and Ted Cruz have put forward the American Space Commerce Act, a bill that would expand perks for companies like SpaceX. It would extend depreciation-related tax deductions by another 10 […]

Senator Ted Cruz asks DOJ to investigate Twitter over Iran sanctions

[ad_1] Cruz rejected both claims. He noted that Iran bans citizens for accessing Twitter, and that both Khamenei and Zarif posted “disinformation and conspiracy theories” in early April. The senator likewise said that the licensing Twitter refers to “expressly” doesn’t allow services to people under sanctions. This is part of an ongoing issue and doesn’t […]

Senators ask FTC to investigate Instacart over ‘tip baiting’

[ad_1] Instacart characterized these abuses as rare in a statement to Engadget, saying that tips stay the same or climb higher for “99.5% of orders” and that tip-based earnings have “nearly doubled” since the COVID-19 pandemic started. You can read the full statement below. The company didn’t directly address instances where tip baiting has happened […]

Bipartisan Senate bill aims to invest $100 billion in technology R&D

[ad_1] “The coronavirus pandemic has shown the science and technology gap between the United States and the rest of the world is closing fast and that threatens our long-term health, economic competitiveness, and national security,” Senator Schumer said in a statement. “America cannot afford to continue our decades-long underinvestment and expect to lead the world […]

Senate bill would set privacy requirements for COVID-19 tracking

[ad_1] This would theoretically prevent Apple, Google and government agencies from collecting more data than they should, or funnelling it into the hands of marketers and others who might abuse it. However, privacy advocates are concerned it doesn’t do enough and might even worsen consumer safeguards. Public Knowledge Policy Counsel Sara Collins claimed that the […]

Senate panel wants stricter oversight of Chinese telecoms

[ad_1] American officials have stepped their scrutiny of China over the years. Team Telecom has asked the FCC to revoke China Telecom’s license, and it’s no secret that the US has clamped down on equipment makers like Huawei and ZTE. However, this panel could help foster an even more aggressive stance. It’s not certain this […]