Category: senators

Senators demand answers over Juniper Network’s 2015 backdoor incident

[ad_1] Back in 2015, networking equipment vendor Juniper Networks discovered unauthorized code in its software that created a backdoor, potentially allowing hackers to decrypt and spy on supposedly secure traffic. Now, officials want answers. A group of 13 senators has sent an open letter to the company, calling for the results of its internal investigation […]

US senators ask Amazon why it keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers

[ad_1] Earlier this week, AWS vice president Tim Bray quit over what he sees is an attempt to punish whistleblowers who express concerns about lacking COVID-19 protections. Meanwhile, the National Labor Relations Board is looking into claims of retaliation against employees who organize or participate in protests. In a statement provided to Engadget, an Amazon […]

TSA bans employees from making TikTok videos

[ad_1] In a statement, Schumer said, “These videos sure do make you chuckle; they’re creative. But China might be laughing at these TSA postings for very different reasons, and that should concern us and it’s why I am urging the TSA to find a different platform, and cease its use of TikTok now.” On Sunday, […]

US Senators ask the FCC to review licenses with China-owned telecoms

[ad_1] In May, the FCC rejected China Mobile’s application to become a telecom provider in the US, citing “substantial and serious” law enforcement and security risks. In their letter, the Senators reportedly warn that China Telecom and China Unicom could pose similar threats and could reroute communications traveling on their networks through China. When the […]