Category: simpsons

At last, you can watch early ‘Simpsons’ episodes as intended on Disney+

[ad_1] In a blog post, Joe Rice, a Disney vice president, explained why showing the original episodes in 4:3 format wasn’t as easy as some might assume. If 4:3 versions of the episodes were added as standalone bonus content, Rice said, features available for modern HD content, like Continue Watching and Watchlists, wouldn’t be supported.  […]

‘The Simpsons’ aspect ratio problem will get fixed (again) on May 28th

[ad_1] About five years ago, Fox launched Simpsons World as a streaming arm of its FXX network that would give the show’s fans a way to watch any episode they wanted. Unfortunately, it initially launched with cropped versions of old 4:3 episodes (intended to fill up widescreen HDTVs) that cut off a number of key […]

‘Simpsons’ will arrive in its original 4:3 format by May

[ad_1] With Disney acquiring Fox, the entire Simpsons catalog came to Disney+ streaming, which was great for fans of the show. However, after learning nothing from FXX, Disney aired the pre-2009 seasons in widescreen rather than the original 4:3 format. That would be bad enough as is, but it also had the very unfortunate effect […]

After Math: Everything’s coming up Disney

[ad_1] Right out of the gate, Disney+ appears to be a smash hit. The company already scored a number of preorders ahead of the platform’s release when it offered a steep discount for a 3-year subscription but it seems that most of us were waiting for the official launch. So many people, in fact, that […]

Simpsons World shuts down as episodes move to Disney+

[ad_1] This wouldn’t be so much of a problem if it weren’t for the current state of The Simpsons on Disney’s service. Right now, you’re limited to cropped widescreen versions of older episodes. If you want to watch them in their full 4:3 glory, you’ll have to wait until early 2020 — you can’t go […]

Disney+ cuts off ‘Simpsons’ jokes with widescreen episodes

[ad_1] We’ve asked Disney for comment, although sources talking to Engadget said the company will listen to feedback. It wouldn’t be surprising if Disney had a change of heart. The 4:3 versions are clearly available for streaming given that Disney owns FXX. There’s not much stopping the company from simply posting those editions instead of […]