Category: Space Tourism

Virgin Galactic will livestream its SpaceShipTwo cabin reveal on July 28th

[ad_1] “Ultimately, the interior of the spaceship was designed with one primary goal in mind, and that is to get the perfect view of Earth from space,” the company said in a video announcing the reveal. During the livestream event, Virgin Galactic will also discuss a new digital platform that will bring “immersive versions” of […]

SpaceX will fly space tourists to the ISS as soon as next year

[ad_1] Elon Musk’s company originally developed the capsule to take astronauts to space from US soil, and its first manned flight with NASA astronauts is expected to take place between April and June. However, it also intends to expand the spacecraft’s uses to include taking paying astronauts outside our planet. In fact, it signed another […]

Virgin Galactic will let people hop to the front of the line for tickets

[ad_1] The company didn’t say exactly when those next tickets would be available or how much they would cost, although CEO Gorge Whitesides had warned that prices might climb substantially from the $250,000 for early customers. Virgin is still a long way from courting everyday people, then. The new batch of tickets is believe to […]