Category: spearphishing

Google stats show how much a recovery number prevents phishing

[ad_1] While SMS verification can be defeated by a targeted attack, Google’s ability to do things like send a prompt to a connected phone or have users verify where they last log in also help block sign-ins it thinks are suspicious. If you’re logging in on a brand new device or from a new location, […]

EU approves cyber-attack sanctions ahead of election

[ad_1] UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in a statement called the move “decisive action” to deter future cyber attacks. “For too long now, hostile actors have been threatening the EU’s security through disrupting critical infrastructure, attempts to undermine democracy and stealing commercial secrets and money running to billions of Euros,” said Hunt. Russia and China […]

US charges China-based hacking group for massive 2015 Anthem breach

[ad_1] Wang and Doe reportedly used “extremely sophisticated techniques,” including specially-tailored spear-phishing emails with embedded hyperlinks. When employees of the targeted businesses clicked the hyperlinks, a file downloaded and deployed malware, which created a backdoor to the computer systems. In some cases, the defendants waited months before taking further action. Then, they allegedly encrypted the […]