Category: Sprint

Verizon’s 5G coverage maps are here, and they’re sparse

[ad_1] The maps are different than the ones we’re used to seeing with past wireless technologies. A lot of that has to do with the nature of Verizon’s 5G buildout. At the moment, the carrier is exclusively using a type of spectrum called millimeter wave (mmWave). In contrast to sub-6GHz, the other major group of […]

CNBC: T-Mobile CEO John Legere won’t be the next WeWork CEO

[ad_1] Earlier this week T-Mobile CEO John Legere’s name popped up as a possibility to take over the top spot at WeWork after its failed IPO and ouster of co-founder Adam Neumann. However, subsequent rumors clarified that he was just one of the potential replacements, while today CNBC reports that Legere isn’t taking the job […]

Cross-carrier glitch sent people ancient texts in the middle of the night

[ad_1] The hiccup appears to be the result of a common carrier infrastructure glitch. T-Mobile told Engadget this was a “third party vendor issue that also affected other networks,” while US Cellular told 92 Moose that a flawed update to the “cross carrier messaging system” was to blame. Sprint, meanwhile, pinned the issue on a […]

T-Mobile teases $15 5G plan and other post-merger initiatives

[ad_1] At first glance, the two rate plans seem like a great offer, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Even with T-Mobile adding to the monthly data allotment, you’ll burn through your data allowance faster than you would on an LTE connection. Moreover, to take advantage of those 5G speeds, […]

FCC formally approves the T-Mobile-Sprint merger

[ad_1] The FCC believes the deal will close the digital divide and advance 5G in the US. T-Mobile and Sprint have committed to deploying 5G service to cover 97 percent of Americans within three years. They’ve also pledged to provide 90 percent of Americans with access to mobile service with speeds of at least 100 […]

AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon team up to push next-gen RCS texting

[ad_1] For years we've been hearing about the potential of RCS, a protocol replacement for SMS that would bring iMessage and Whatsapp-like features to texting. Unfortunately there's been very little to show for it, with spotty support among carriers, and on… [ad_2] Source link

The FCC voted to approve the T-Mobile-Sprint merger

[ad_1] In her statement, Rosenworcel said: “We’ve all seen what happens when markets become more concentrated after a merger like this one. In the airline industry, it brought us baggage fees and smaller seats. In the pharmaceutical industry, it led to a handful of drug companies raising the prices of lifesaving medications. There’s no reason […]

ASUS’ $900 gaming phone is now available in the US

[ad_1] The model that’s currently available in the US is the “Elite” edition which features 512GB of internal storage and a Category 18 LTE modem capable of theoretical download speeds of 1.2Gbps. Later this year, ASUS plans to bring the “Ultimate” edition ROG Phone II to the US as well. The top-of-the-line model features a […]

T-Mobile’s Sprint merger is opposed by 18 state attorneys general

[ad_1] In July, the Department of Justice approved T-Mobile’s $26.5 billion bid to merge with Sprint — on the condition that it sell some of its business to Dish Network. And Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai endorsed the deal. But opposition from so many attorneys general could pose a legitimate threat. The state attorneys […]

Intel will use multi-camera, 3D athlete tracking in the 2020 Olympics

[ad_1] Intel has already made big promises for the 2020 Olympics. It previously announced that it’s working on a 5G network for the games, and there’s a good chance we’ll see another drone-based light show. Today, Intel also shared that it’s working with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to bring VR training to summer games […]