Category: spying

Iranian hackers’ Android malware spies on dissidents by stealing 2FA codes

[ad_1] It’s no secret that some countries have spied on their citizens through innocuous-looking apps, but one effort is more extensive than usual. Check Point Research has discovered (via ZDNet) that Rampant Kitten, an Iranian hacker group that has targeted the country’s political opponents for years, has developed Android malware focused on stealing two-factor authentication […]

UK may cut Huawei out of 5G networks this year

[ad_1] The UK had decided in January that it would allow equipment from Huawei and other “high risk” companies in non-core parts of the nation’s 5G networks, limiting their involvement to 35 percent in networks connecting devices and other hardware to mobile masts. Reports later emerged that the UK might phase out Huawei over the […]

US pushes Europe to reject Chinese baggage screening tech over spying fears

[ad_1] Nuctech denied the assertions, claiming that data from its devices “belong to our customer[s] only,” and “by no means” go to the Chinese government. It also rejected claims that it had dominant shares of baggage and cargo screening, and that it priced anything below cost to thwart the competition. The EU found the company […]

Iran’s coronavirus ‘diagnosis’ app looks more like a surveillance tool

[ad_1] AC19’s developer, Sarzamin Housmand (formerly Smart Land Solutions), is also known for developing government clones of Telegram that weren’t as secure as the real thing and were geared more toward enabling surveillance. While it’s not clear exactly what the Iranian government is doing with the data, it’s eager to brag about the scale. ICT […]

NYT: $100 million US phone surveillance program produced two unique leads

[ad_1] After 2015, the USA Freedom Act replaced NSA mass surveillance of American’s call metadata that had been enacted under the Patriot Act and Section 215. While it didn’t go so far as to completely reform the system as groups like the EFF and ACLU hoped, it changed things by having phone companies collect the […]

Google pulls alleged UAE spying app ToTok from the Play Store, again

[ad_1] Google confirmed to TechCrunch that it did remove ToTok from the Play Store, but didn’t say why. The company did, however, make it clear that the app wasn’t pulled due to an outside request from, for example, a government agency. TechCrunch speculates that a policy violation is what caused the app to be removed. […]

Recommended Reading: The CIA-owned company that helped it spy on the world

[ad_1] The intelligence coup of the centuryGreg Miller,The Washington Post This in-depth report tells the story of Crypto AG, a Switzerland-based company that achieved success for its code-making machines during World War II. The company eventually became a popular manufacturer of encryption machines for countries around the world in the decades that followed. Governments trusted […]

Interior Department permanently grounds Chinese-made drones

[ad_1] Interior Secretary David Bernhanrd told the Wall Street Journal he believed the department would be “very able” to complete its objectives “without sacrifice,” although he also hoped domestic drone makers would replace Chinese equipment at some point. It’s not certain that the fears are justified, however. DJI, which makes many of the Interior Department’s […]

Bipartisan bill would scale back key section of the Patriot Act

[ad_1] While there are a variety of facets to the bill, the most significant aspect of it is that it would prohibit the warrantless collection of cell-site and GPS geolocation data, as well as internet browsing and search history by US intelligence agencies. Additionally, the bill would eliminate the relevance clause that had allowed the […]