Category: spying

SIM-based attack has been used to spy on people for two years

[ad_1] Crucially, the approach is silent. While it does use SMS, you won’t get notifications. An intruder can obtain frequent updates without giving away their activity. The exploit is also device-agnostic, and has been used against iPhones, numerous brands of Android phones and some SIM-equipped Internet of Things devices. And it’s not just a theoretical […]

Huawei allegedly developed a spy-friendly phone network for North Korea

[ad_1] It’s well-established that Koryolink enables spying on users, although the new details suggest the system is more elaborate than previously thought. While it’s known that the network is highly restrictive for locals (who can’t make international calls or reach the internet) and loosened for visitors (barred from local calls and the state intranet), the […]

Hackers broke into a contractor for Russia’s spy agency

[ad_1] The most prominent of the projects, Nautilus-S, was meant to deanonymize Tor traffic and create a database of Tor users and devices. Work started on it in 2012, and it appears to have been put into use in 2014, when Swedish researchers discovered Russian Tor nodes trying to decipher data. It’s unclear how successful […]

Government hackers reportedly broke into Russian search company Yandex

[ad_1] In the fall of 2018, the hackers deployed a type of malware called Reign, which is linked to “Five Eyes,” an intelligence-sharing alliance comprised of the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It’s unclear which of those countries might be behind the breach, though. A Yandex spokesperson told Reuters that the hack was […]

WhatsApp call exploit let attackers slip spyware on to phones

[ad_1] While the perpetrators haven’t been identified, there are suspicions that it may be a Middle Eastern country trying to clamp down on criticism of its human rights practices. There was a failed attempt on May 12th to compromise the phone of a UK-based human rights lawyer who helped a Saudi dissident in Canada and […]

Warrantless searches of Americans’ data spiked 28 percent in 2018

[ad_1] While Americans are typically protected from unwarranted searches by the Fourth Amendment, some of their data gets caught when NSA collects intelligence on foreigners living overseas. This year’s report also reveals that the NSA monitored the communication of an estimated 164,770 foreign individuals or groups in 2018, compared to 129,080 in 2017. As TechCrunch […]

CIA claims Huawei is funded by Chinese state security

[ad_1] A Huawei spokeperson declined to comment on the claims in a statement to The Times, saying they were “unsubstantiated allegations backed up by zero evidence from anonymous sources.” There have been reasons to be cautious. A UK oversight board pointed out potential security risks in Huawei’s equipment, such as an old operating system that […]