Category: stars

NASA will use a huge stratospheric balloon to study newly-formed stars

[ad_1] The telescope itself consists of an 8.4-foot wide dish antenna along with mirrors, lenses and detectors designed to capture far-infrared light. Because far-infrared telescopes need to be kept cold, it will also carry a cryocooler that keeps the detectors close to -451.3 degrees Fahrenheit, just a shade above absolute zero. NASA, ESA, N. Smith […]

Google explains how the Pixel 4 excels at night sky photography

[ad_1] The trick to capturing the night sky is taking long exposures. As such, Google bumped the Pixel 4’s maximum exposure time to four minutes, up from just one minute on the Pixel 3. However, shooting a single four minute exposure would blur the stars, so the Pixel 4 takes up to 15 exposures, each […]

Astronomers believe the young Milky Way once swallowed a dwarf galaxy

[ad_1] Astronomers previously believed that the galaxy was made of two separate sets of stars, but exactly how or when they came together was a mystery. Using the Gaia space telescope, these researchers were able to take more precise measurements of the position, brightness and distance of roughly one million stars. They also looked at […]