Category: statement

Xiaomi unveils a ridiculous see-through TV

[ad_1] As part of its 10th anniversary celebration, Xiaomi revealed a transparent TV, the Mi TV Lux OLED Transparent Edition. When it’s turned off, the display looks like a piece of glass. When it’s turned on, images appear to float in thin air, or so Xiaomi says. The 55-inch transparent OLED panel is likely based […]

TikTok will pursue ‘all remedies available’ to fight White House ban

[ad_1] The justification for the ban given by the White House was a “national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain.” The administration is also concerned that TikTok “automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including internet and other network activity information such as location data and […]

Facebook releases Zuckerberg’s upcoming testimony in defense of Libra

[ad_1] According to Zuckerberg, Facebook is “committed to taking the time to get this right.” But he also points out that China could reveal a similar system in the coming months. “If America doesn’t innovate, our financial leadership is not guaranteed,” Zuckerberg’s prepared statement reads. Supposedly, Facebook isn’t just motivated by self-interest. “Over the long […]

The FCC voted to approve the T-Mobile-Sprint merger

[ad_1] In her statement, Rosenworcel said: “We’ve all seen what happens when markets become more concentrated after a merger like this one. In the airline industry, it brought us baggage fees and smaller seats. In the pharmaceutical industry, it led to a handful of drug companies raising the prices of lifesaving medications. There’s no reason […]