Category: stopcovid

France will start testing its COVID-19 tracking app the week of May 11th

[ad_1] France was one of the first countries scrambling to create a COVID-19 contact tracing app, and now it’s close to finding out how its app works in practice. Digital Affairs Minister Cedric O has stated (via Reuters) that France’s StopCOVID should enter real-world testing the week of May 11th, right as the country will […]

France is developing an app to track the spread of COVID-19

[ad_1] Still, TechCrunch warns that privacy concerns remain. It’s not clear if StopCovid will be centralized or not. If it is, there’s a risk hackers could match anonymized identifiers to real names. And like other tracking projects, there’s a worry that the government might abuse the tracking technology for other purposes. There’s also the question […]