Category: sundar pichai

Google is still answering for its DoubleClick data merger

[ad_1] Pichai confirmed to Demings that as CEO he signed off on the decision to merge the data, saying he reviews all major decisions. DoubleClick’s records of customers browsing the web were combined with Google’s personal information “effectively destroying anonymity on the internet,” said Demings. The difference between Google in 2007 and 2016, Demings said, […]

Big tech CEOs release opening statements before antitrust hearing

[ad_1] All three CEOs also took the time to address antitrust concerns that their companies are far too dominant. For example, Bezos pointed out that Amazon has competition from the likes of Walmart, Target and Costco that offer curbside pickup, which he says gives them a certain advantage. Like Bezos, Pichai made the claim that […]

Senators ask Alphabet how it will protect COVID-19 screening site data

[ad_1] The senators are concerned that any shortfalls in protection could leave people vulnerable to “identity theft, negative credit decisions, and employment discrimination,” pointing to data breaches at companies like Equifax as an example of what can go wrong. They also asked who exactly was in charge, with “specific concerns” about Google given its extensive […]

Google I/O 2020 starts May 12th

[ad_1] Now that enough people have completed a special puzzle, Google announced that its annual developer event will return to the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View. Google I/O will run from May 12th – 14th, a few days later than its timing in 2019. In the past we’ve seen announcements focusing on everything from Assistant […]

Google CEO Sundar Pichai calls for ‘sensible regulation’ of AI

[ad_1] After laying out his relationship with technology and offering a few examples where innovation has had unintended negative consequences, Pichai makes the case that while AI is powerful and useful, we must balance its “potential harms… with social opportunities.” Of course, this call for “balance” leaves some questions about how tight of regulation Pichai […]

Larry Page and Sergey Brin give Sundar Pichai control of Alphabet and Google

[ad_1] The two outgoing execs explained this as a “natural time” to streamline management now that Alphabet is “well-established” and its various brands (including Google) are operating smoothly as independent companies. Alphabet and Google just don’t need two CEOs and a President, Page and Brin said. They pointed to Pichai as a logical pick given […]

Google scales back town hall meetings following leaks

[ad_1] There’s a “coordinated effort” to leak meetings after each TGIF, Pichai said. He argued that this hurt Google’s ability to use TGIF as a platform for “candid conversations” on key subjects. The company will still hold town hall discussions for “important workplace issues,” the executive promised, and there will still be “Social TGIFs” in […]

Leaked audio captures Sundar Pichai discussing leaks at Google

[ad_1] Tonight the Washington Post has published audio from a Google all-hands meeting that took place on Thursday, as execs responded to employee questions about a number of issues. Those include the hiring of a former Department of Homeland Security staffer who publicly defended a later version of the administration’s “travel ban” on citizens of […]

Google says it’s achieved quantum supremacy

[ad_1] Quantum supremacy is a big deal, because it encapsulates the ability of quantum computers to solve problems that current technology couldn’t even begin to attempt. Google’s paper explains how its 53-bit quantum computer — named Sycamore — took just 200 seconds to perform a calculation that would have taken the world’s fastest supercomputer 10,000 […]

Google officially closes ‘Dragonfly,’ its controversial Chinese search project

[ad_1] Google has been vague about Project Dragonfly ever since it first came to light. Leaked documents indicated that the China-centric search app would automatically identify websites blocked by the country’s so-called Great Firewall, and simply remove them from search results. This would include information on free speech and political opposition, as well as any […]