Category: supercharger

Tesla Supercharger flaw lets rival EVs top up for free in Europe

[ad_1] We’ve asked Tesla for comment. It has previously welcomed the possibility of allowing Supercharger access to non-Tesla vehicles, but only if they can agree on costs. There’s no agreement so far. As Electrek suggests, this could easily be a bug or some other flaw. Tesla only allows free Supercharger use as a perk for […]

EVgo is adding Tesla connectors to its fast charging stations

[ad_1] EVgo, which is working with Tesla on the project, is deploying the connectors to all of its San Francisco locations at the outset, with stations elsewhere getting them next year. The company plans to install them at all of its 750+ stations across the US. It’s said to be the first time Tesla connectors […]

Tesla’s first major V3 Supercharger rollout is taking place in Canada

[ad_1] This is an unusual focus for Tesla when it tends to serve the US first, but it makes sense given the realities of Canadian driving. It’s a more sparsely populated country with longer stretches between cities than you see stateside. Electric car drivers not only face a dearth of chargers for cross-Canada trips, they […]

Tesla revives free Supercharging for new Model S and Model X orders

[ad_1] The company didn’t say whether or not there was an expiry date for the free Supercharging offer, although Electrek obtained a memo that didn’t treat it as a limited-time promotion. It’s a notable change of heart, though not completely unexpected. When Tesla ended the incentive, Elon Musk claimed that it was “not really sustainable” […]

Tesla opens Vegas V3 Supercharger station powered by solar and battery

[ad_1] In line with founder Elon Musk’s promise to take Supercharger stations off the grid, the Las Vegas site will rely on a combination of solar and battery power. A solar array will power the site during the day, and Powerpacks will provide energy at night. The station will contain a total of 24 stalls […]

Telsa’s Model 3 can now use DC fast chargers across the US

[ad_1] Tesla Superchargers are widely distributed, so Model 3 pilots rarely need access to third-party chargers. Still, CEO Elon Musk promised that the EV would be CHAdeMO compatible when it launched, and that was two years ago. It might be a case of timing — Tesla is about to start Model 3 deliveries in Japan, […]

Tesla’s first V3 Supercharging stations are open to the public

[ad_1] After some testing with early access customers, the eight stalls at the factory are open to all Tesla owners and support charging speeds up of 250kW. That means owners of long-range Model 3 (which supports charging at that speed) can add 180 miles to their vehicle in 15 minutes. Owners of the Model S […]

Tesla promises to halve charging time with V3 Supercharging

[ad_1] While it just opened the first “public beta” V3 Supercharger in Fremont, CA tonight, over the next few weeks it’s bumping charge rates at the 12,000+ V2 Superchargers to 145kW. On the most efficient vehicles, like a Model 3 Long Range, Tesla expects they’ll get 75 miles of charge in 5 minutes, and add […]