Category: targeted ads

Google to settle YouTube child privacy violations for up to $200 million

[ad_1] The FTC approved the fine last month, but this is the first time the dollar amount has been reported. At the moment, details on the other terms of the settlement are unavailable. Just last week, we learned that YouTube is allegedly planning to ban targeted ads on videos aimed at children. It’s unclear if […]

Facebook will be liable for future Cambridge Analytica-style scandals

[ad_1] Under the updated terms and conditions, which Facebook confirmed to TechCrunch will apply worldwide, the company is also amending its policy on the limitation of liability. It “now acknowledges its responsibility in case of negligence, for instance in case data has been mishandled by third parties.” Essentially, it’s on the hook for any future […]

Get ready for targeted ads on your smart TV

[ad_1] The companies are calling themselves a consortium, and they’ve dubbed this “Project OAR,” or Open Addressable Ready. Once developed, the new, open standard will make it possible for all connected TV companies to sell targeted ads in scheduled and on-demand programs. While this will theoretically make ads more successful and therefore more valuable, it […]