Category: terrorism

Hitting the Books: Hackers can convince your IoT devices to betray you

[ad_1] Power to the People: How Open Technological Innovation is Arming Tomorrow’s Terroristsby Audrey Kurth Cronin The internet is all around us — in our phones, our homes, our cars, and even our toaster ovens for some reason. Problem is, the adoption of this ubiquitous connectivity has far outpaced our efforts to secure those systems […]

Twitter bans accounts related to Hamas and Hezbollah

[ad_1] Over the weekend, Twitter suspended multiple accounts related to militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, according to The Wall Street Journal. The move represents a reversal from Twitter’s previous position on the two organizations. In the past, the company had said that it differentiated between the political and military arms of Hamas and Hezbollah, a […]

Australia will block domains with extremist material during terror attacks

[ad_1] The nation’s eSafety Commissioner will determine what to block in any given situation using a yet-to-be-established framework, while a Crisis Coordination Center will keep tabs on both violence and extremist material around the clock. Australia is also contemplating legislation to force internet companies to improve their safety, although it’s not clear how the country […]

US Treasury has ‘serious concerns’ Libra could be used for terrorism

[ad_1] According to Mnuchin, the US has been at the forefront of regulating entities that provide cryptocurrencies. It has also seen cryptocurrencies exploited to support illicit activities including cyber crime, tax evasion, extortion, ransomware, human trafficking and more. Still, Mnuchin said the US “welcomes responsible innovation, including new technologies that may improve the efficiency of […]

Canada reveals measures to tackle online extremism

[ad_1] Last month, the nation joined other countries and tech companies in adopting a pledge to eradicate online violent extremist and terrorist content in the wake of mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. The shooter livestreamed the attack, and copies of the footage spread like wildfire. Meanwhile, Canada will host a youth summit to help […]

US now requires social media info for visa applications

[ad_1] Applicants also have to provide previous email addresses and phone numbers on top of non-communications info like their travel statuses and any family involvement in terrorism. Some diplomats and officials are exempt from the requirements. The US had previously only required these details for people who visited terrorist-controlled areas. The goal is the same, […]

Google manually reviewed a million suspected terrorist videos on YouTube

[ad_1] Google shared these numbers with a US House panel today. The company also said it has more than 10,000 people working on content review, and it spends hundreds of millions of dollars on those efforts annually. Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft have been asked to reveal their counter terrorism budgets, but putting a number […]

Sri Lanka temporarily bans social media after terrorist bombings

[ad_1] The country isn’t alone in curbing social network use, joining the likes of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Turkey. While Sri Lanka’s bans are momentary and ostensibly aimed at preventing already chaotic situations from getting worse, they share a common effect of chilling all online speech, not just extremists and misinformation, until […]

Christchurch shooting videos are still on Facebook over a month later

[ad_1] One variation had been around since the time of the attack. All of the videos Feinberg found were sitting on Arabic-language pages. Facebook has removed one of the videos as of this writing, and reiterated its plans to improve its filtering technology. It’s using audio recognition to spot clips that might otherwise evade filters, […]

New York’s first attempt at recognizing drivers’ faces has failed

[ad_1] The problem may be inherent to the early state of facial recognition at these speeds. Oak Ridge National Laboratory achieved more than 80 percent accuracy in a study that spotted faces through windshields, but that was at low speed. It might not be ready for someone barrelling down a bridge. Not that privacy advocates […]